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Ukrainian Orphans Hosting Project

If this is your first visit to our Blog- Welcome!  For those of you who have been here before and are following our progress- Welcome Back!

To begin, there are a few things we would like to share with you about our Blog.

The theme and images we have selected come mainly from one source- a young girl who used to ba a Ukrainian orphan. On the day she was leaving the orphanage with her new family to live in America, she borrowed a camera from her adoptive Dad to take pictures of the things she wanted to remember.  This girl did something remarkable with her opportunity.  She walked around the building she had lived in for so many years and took pictures of the windows -windows of the rooms her friends lived  in- so she could remember the people living inside. We were so moved by the powerful images, by her gesture of remembrance and by the thought of those still living in the building looking through those windows every day, we were prompted to name our project “Window to Hope”.

This blog is a reflection of our journey as a team as we build and plan our first hosting event here in the Seattle area. Each page expresses our passion for this work and our love for these kids. Our desire is to not only inform you, but also to inspire you and ultimately, to invite you to be a part of the adventure.  

These are the faces of orphans in Ukraine…it is kids like these that will be coming to the US this summer. Take a moment to catch the vision and pray about how you can partner with us!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. April 22, 2011 5:58 AM

    praise God for this project!!!! Praying for you as you go forward.

  2. Yelena Kirkach permalink
    May 19, 2011 12:20 PM

    I would like to be a host parent for the summer. I reside in Everett, WA. Please get back to me if you still need volunteers. Thanks

    Yelena Kirkach

  3. June 4, 2011 7:01 AM

    $20.00 is four Starbucks drinks you could skip; one meal out at a restaurant that you could skip; a night at the movies you could pass up; two book orders from Amazon or BN that you could skip and check them out at the library instead; a birthday present you could make instead of buying. $20.00 is easy to come up with.

    What a great opportunity to help kids in such a significant way with such a small contribution. We’re in.

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